David Nursery

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So far David has created 366 blog entries.

Keep Your Garden Going Strong

Welcome to late summer, that magical time of year when your garden looks the best it has all year…or doesn’t. Early heat in spring pushed gardens in our area into overdrive, and while the rest of summer has been more seasonable, your plants may be looking worn. To keep your plants going strong into fall—or for some ideas of replacements for your containers—here are some suggestions. If you grow flowers [...]

Make the Most of Summer in the Garden

Summer is in full swing, although it’s been a couple of years since I’ve had to dress so warm yet in July! In any case, now is the time of year when your yard begins to take on its “finished” look for the season, and as you enjoy the fruition of your gardening dreams, it’s time to take stock of what else your garden could use for a unique focal [...]

Fresh Crop of Lynden Baskets

At Vander Giessen's, we grow all of our own annuals and hanging baskets--doing so allows us complete control over the colors, types of plants used and most importantly, the quality of the end product. We take pride in our lush, healthy baskets, and if the feedback we get from our customers is any indication, the difference in quality is obvious to more than just us! With summer starting officially in [...]

2016-11-10T22:47:40+00:00June 16th, 2016|Annuals, Container Gardening, Hanging baskets|0 Comments

Garden Success Made Easier

Whether you’re a novice gardener or lifelong green thumb, you’ve undoubtedly learned that gardening requires dedicated upkeep. But as someone who loves to garden—and help others do the same—I’m always on the lookout for easier ways to get better results. If you’re interested in ways to make your garden successful with less effort, here are some tips to try this summer. First, choose the right plants to fit your needs. [...]

Ladybugs and Beneficial Nematodes Are Here!

After yet another mild winter and warm start to the spring, one thing is sure: bugs will be a problem in your garden again this year. As you tend to your plants, keep a close eye out for any deformed new foliage or damage to your plants caused by aphids or other damaging insects. Sprays and systemic insect control products are effective methods for dealing with garden pests, but maybe [...]

2016-05-12T13:58:30+00:00May 12th, 2016|Insect Control|0 Comments

Grow a Colorful, Healthy Garden

With the month of May now well underway, planting season is in full swing. Whether you’re planting a vegetable garden, flower beds or a couple of containers on your deck, nothing is quite as rewarding as watching a garden grow and thrive. Here are my favorite plants and gardening secrets to try this month as you work in the garden. First, no garden is complete without at least some [...]

Color, Texture & Flavor for the Garden

There’s something about this time of year that I find particularly invigorating. Maybe it’s the bright colors of spring-blooming shrubs and perennials, maybe it’s the longer, warmer days, or maybe it’s the smell of fresh-cut grass; whatever it is, you might feel it too. As you get inspired to plant something in your yard this spring, here are a few of my favorite plants for unique color, texture, and flavor. [...]

2016-11-10T22:47:46+00:00April 21st, 2016|Edibles, Fruit, Hot Plants, Perennials, Shade, Shrubs|0 Comments

Get Your Lawn Back in Shape

After one of the warmest, driest summers on record last year—followed by a mild, wet winter—your lawn might need a lot of work this spring. Now is the time to get started, so here are my tips for reestablishing your yard in time for summer. First, it’s time once again to deal with moss in your lawn. I’m regularly asked when the right time is to kill moss. The fact [...]

2024-12-12T04:47:48+00:00March 31st, 2016|Lawn Care|0 Comments

Early Spring Tasks in the Garden

Early though it may be, spring is in the air. Take a look outside at your yard and you’ll be sure to find your bulbs sprouted, trees and shrubs starting to bud and life bursting forth throughout the garden. As you start your spring clean-up around the yard and make the first gardening to-do lists, here are some early-season jobs you’ll want to accomplish. First, it’s time for spring pruning. [...]

The Season for Dreaming

As a gardener, I’ve come to appreciate that gardening is never really finished. Sure, we mark the Last Mowing of the Year with pride and admire the look of a freshly-raked yard free of leaves for the (hopefully) final time, but if you’re anything like me, the satisfaction of a season finished is all too quickly replaced by the longing for spring upon the arrival of the first seed catalog [...]

2016-01-22T23:46:34+00:00January 22nd, 2016|Edibles, Perennials, Shrubs|0 Comments
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