David Nursery

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So far David has created 366 blog entries.

Four Tips for a Better Vegetable Garden

With this year’s mild winter, our gardening season in the Pacific Northwest has gotten off to a much earlier start than normal. From lawns that needed a good mowing weeks ago to fields of tulips in bloom well before the height of the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival, signs of an early spring have been plentiful. As you prepare to plant your vegetable garden this year, here are four tips for [...]

2024-12-14T00:38:42+00:00April 23rd, 2015|Edibles, Fertilizer, Vegetables|0 Comments

Spring is Here–Enjoy It!

So, how about that winter? For the last two months, I’ve cautioned against getting too excited about the spring-like weather we’ve enjoyed for fear that a good dose of winter could still arrive. Although a slim chance of winter weather still exists, with March quickly passing it’s time to plow full speed ahead with spring and all it involves. Are you ready? Given the non-winter we had this year [...]

2025-01-06T16:45:30+00:00March 19th, 2015|Insect Control, Lawn Care, Plant Care, Shrubs, Trees|2 Comments

Four Early-Spring Garden Tasks

Just a month ago, I offered a word of caution in getting too excited about spring’s arrival—barely a month into winter, it hardly seemed appropriate to offer tips for spring work around the yard. As February is now more than half over, however, and with nary a sign of real winter weather in the forecast, you’re likely starting to look around the yard for things to do. Here’s my list [...]

2024-12-12T05:00:25+00:00February 19th, 2015|Edibles, Fruit, Lawn Care, Planting, Roses|0 Comments

A Cure for the Spring Itch

Even though it's still January, I have to admit I’m already feeling the itch to start doing some work around the yard, a sentiment I normally don’t feel until February at some point. If you’re also beginning to feel the “need to weed” or get gardening, here are some recommendations to keep you busy without getting ahead of yourself. First, let me offer a word of caution. Last year [...]

2017-01-12T00:15:01+00:00January 23rd, 2015|Annuals, Garden Tools, Winter|0 Comments

Enjoy a New Christmas Plant Tradition

With the Christmas season comes tradition. Whether favorite family movies, the annual choosing-of-the-tree, grandma’s sugar cookies or playing a classic Christmas album, December is marked by tradition. While it’s not a month typically associated with gardening, plants certainly have their place in the holiday season, and as you go about your Christmas decorating and gift-giving, it might be time for a new Christmas tradition. If asked to picture a [...]

2023-05-25T03:43:04+00:00December 13th, 2014|Container Gardening, Hot Plants, Perennials, Shade, Winter|0 Comments

Just Arrived–Top-Quality Garden Tools

Just in time for the Christmas shopping season, we've recently received a delivery of useful, top-quality gardening tools that would make great gifts! Whether Felco pruners, Japanese rakes or beautiful stainless cultivators and trowels from Burgon & Ball, these tools are unmatched in quality and workmanship. If you have a gardener on your shopping list this season, impress them with gardening accessories that will last a lifetime! [...]

2017-01-12T15:06:58+00:00November 21st, 2014|Garden Tools, Gift Ideas|0 Comments

Finish the Gardening Season Strong

With Thanksgiving drawing close, we’re in the homestretch of another year—and as you finish up the last of your gardening tasks for the season, here are a few tips to ensure a good end to this year and start to the next. First, it’s time to label your plants. As perennials grow in popularity and variety, more of the plants in our gardens simply disappear over winter, leaving us [...]

2017-01-12T15:19:37+00:00November 21st, 2014|Bulbs, Fall, Perennials, Plant Care, Roses|0 Comments

Prepare Your Lawn & Garden for a Beautiful Spring

By all accounts, this year’s summer weather was exceptional. A long season of warm, dry weather—punctuated by a few perfectly-timed rains—made for a great year in the garden and left many gardeners with bumper crops (tomatoes, anyone?). As we begin to close the books on another year of gardening, there are a few steps you can take now to ensure a healthy lawn and beautiful garden next spring. First, [...]

2024-12-12T05:03:30+00:00October 16th, 2014|Bulbs, Fall, Fertilizer, Lawn Care|0 Comments

Make the Most of Fall & Winter Color

Autumn is quickly settling in here in the Pacific Northwest. As we begin to experience more regular rains, cooler nights and foggy mornings, here are some tips and a few of our favorite plants for a new season. First, I'm going to go out on a limb (pun intended!) and predict that trees in our area will show beautiful fall color this year. After a long, hot summer, deciduous [...]

2017-01-18T16:33:54+00:00September 25th, 2014|Annuals, Fall, Shrubs, Winter|0 Comments

Fall Flowers In Stock

As we begin to enjoy the transition from summer to autumn, now is the time to plant fall flowers for a new season! We're now stocked with winter pansies, mums, trailing pansy baskets, cabbage, ornamental grasses and more. Freshen up your patio planters or hang a new basket by your front door for winter-long color. From plants to potting soil to new pottery, we're here to help bring new life [...]

2016-11-10T22:48:06+00:00September 9th, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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