David Nursery

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So far David has created 366 blog entries.

Four Steps to a Better Garden

They call it the ‘dog days of summer.’ The month of August is traditionally a beautiful time in the Pacific Northwest, and so far, this month is shaping up to be just as nice as ever. Although it’s not a season when many people make a long to-do list for the yard, there are some simple tasks you can undertake in the next weeks to give you a healthier, [...]

Coneflowers for a New Month

The month of August brings on feelings of change--while there's still plenty of summer weather left in the year, later this month will be back-to-school time, and with it, the shift in gardening to autumn.One of the best flowers for late-summer and early-fall color is echinacea, known more commonly as the coneflower. Once a humble perennial available only in purple or pink, echinacea has come a long way in recent [...]

2016-11-10T22:48:08+00:00August 2nd, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Summer Bloomers for the Forgotten Month

In gardening, it’s the forgotten month: July. June still encompasses much of the spring planting season and by August many gardeners begin transitioning to fall flowers, but July stands alone, neglected. Unfortunately, many gardeners—rightfully enjoying summer vacations or otherwise occupied with tending to their spring gardening purchases—overlook some of the most beautiful, carefree summer bloomers in the midst of summer. If you’re looking for something unique and colorful for [...]

2025-01-06T17:24:32+00:00July 9th, 2014|Uncategorized|2 Comments

Check Out Our Garden Supplies!

Have you stopped in to check out our newly-expanded garden supplies department? With our new garden center comes a huge increase in the selection of fertilizers, garden solutions, tools and supplies we offer. Moreover, unlike a hardware or big box store, we have the expertise to ensure you get a product that will do the job right.Many of our customers have been pleasantly surprised to discover that our prices are [...]

2016-11-10T22:48:10+00:00June 24th, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Plants to Enjoy All Summer

I’m a big fan of spring. After all, spring means longer days, better weather and blooming shrubs and trees! As we get into summer, though, some of the newness of life around your yard starts to fade. At no time is that more evident than in June-- rhododendrons are finished blooming, many flowering trees are long-since done, and the excited anticipation of the season begins to wane. But wait! There’s [...]

2025-01-06T15:17:52+00:00June 24th, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Growing Tomatoes with Jack’s

Looking for advice on how to fertilize your tomatoes? This blog post comes to us from our friends at J.R. Peters. Things are really moving now in the garden with the onset of the warmer temperatures. Your transplants should be responding to their new environment and producing new growth. The root systems are ready to take up all the nutrients they need to maximize their bud set and flower initiation. [...]

2024-03-31T03:53:01+00:00May 30th, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Simple Steps for a Lush Garden

We’ve all heard it a thousand times: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Nowhere is this truer than in gardening. From the basics of planting to proper nutrition to dealing with pests and disease—gardening is a hobby that is best enjoyed when done right. As you begin caring for your garden this summer, here are some tips to make the season enjoyable. After you’ve made your [...]

Time to Plant!

May is here--and that means it's time to plant! Whether you're ready to plant a vegetable garden, pot up some containers of flowers or hang up a beautiful Lynden Basket, we've got what you need! Our brand new garden center is fully stocked with the most beautiful flowers in the county, all grown right here in our own greenhouses.Mother's Day is right around the corner, so if you haven't yet [...]

2016-11-10T22:48:15+00:00May 1st, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Spring is Here!

Our new greenhouse is bursting with color! As spring gets underway, we're fully stocked with hundreds of our famous Lynden Baskets, planted and grown right in our own greenhouses. We also have a great selection of gorgeous annuals, lush perennials, shrubs and trees.If it's been awhile since you've stopped in at Vander Giessen's--or if you're a former customer of one of the now-closed nurseries in the county--we welcome you to [...]

2016-11-10T22:48:15+00:00April 24th, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Ready to Plant? Get Started Now!

Senetti 'Baby Blue Bicolor' available at Vander Giessen's!With spring officially underway, if you’re like me you’re probably beginning to get “the itch”for planting. For many of us, it’s just a natural instinct, and as grass starts to grow, flowers burst into bloom and the days get sunnier and warmer, you’re probably eager for at least some aspect of gardening. So, where to begin?First, if you’re a vegetable gardener, it’s time [...]

2016-11-10T22:48:16+00:00April 24th, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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