David Nursery

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So far David has created 366 blog entries.

A Better Pole Bean

'Blue Lake' pole beans have long been the standard for pole beans in vegetable gardens. But in the last several years, 'Blue Lake' hasn't exactly performed. Maybe you've noticed: many of the beans tend to be flat, hollow "meatless" and stringy--essentially worthless for fresh eating or canning. So what to do? Give up on pole beans?No!The problem is, 'Blue Lake' has been around for so long, many of the plants [...]

2016-11-10T22:49:00+00:00May 25th, 2012|Uncategorized|2 Comments

The Best Food for the Job

Last summer I published a blog post about water-soluble fertilizers versus slow-release options and which type would work best for your plants. I spent a fair amount of page space writing about care for your annuals and hanging baskets--but what about the shrubs and trees in your yard? The truth is, most plants--especially flowering types--will benefit from regular (even if only once a year) feeding to keep them looking their [...]

Enjoy the Bounty of a Successful Garden

  Little by little, we’re finally seeing sunnier, warmer days. In fact, some of the weather over the last few weeks has been downright warm! Thankfully, this spring hasn’t been quite as cold and wet as last year, and (fingers crossed) long-range forecasts for summer indicate a nicer season ahead. If you’re a gardener, May and June are an exciting time as you decide what to plant and watch your [...]

2023-05-25T04:08:37+00:00May 24th, 2012|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Want Easy Plants? Use hostas!

8 varieties of hosta available at Vander Giessen's!If you're looking for easy plants to use in a shade or morning-sun garden around your house, you've got to have some hostas. Available in dozens--no, make that hundreds--of colors, textures and sizes, hostas are a gardening genre of their own.In my backyard at home, I have a very shady area made possible by the large chestnut tree just over the fence in [...]

2016-11-10T22:49:05+00:00April 26th, 2012|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Unique Plants to Enjoy This Spring

April is a great month to get your spring garden projects underway. Despite the continued cool, wet weather we’ve had in the last month, plants are waking up from dormancy and temperatures are warm enough to plant any shrubs, trees or perennials. Most spring-blooming plants look their best in sunny weather. Rain just has a way of making even the hardiest bloomers look soggy. Not so with bleeding hearts, however. [...]

2023-05-25T04:08:56+00:00April 18th, 2012|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Four Seasons of Color…Really? Part V

This is the final installment in a five-week series of short articles designed to help you bring year-round color to your yard. Planning a landscape can be a daunting task--we hope that this series can help offer some suggestions for planning your yard. Check out our blog for the previous four installments--enjoy! Over the last month, we've covered all four seasons with ideas to provide color and interest in your [...]

2023-05-25T04:09:11+00:00April 9th, 2012|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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