David Nursery

About David

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So far David has created 364 blog entries.

Best of Lynden — Thank you!

To all who voted for us as 'Best Nursery' in the Best of Lynden contest in 2019, we wish to say thank you! We're honored to have your vote again this year and appreciate the affirmation this award brings. Having served our community for 82 years in 2020, we're ever mindful of the fact that we wouldn't have lasted the better part of a century without the consistent support [...]

2020-01-09T17:42:36+00:00January 5th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

The Gift That Keeps on Growing

As a child, one of my favorite Christmas stories was a book about a family that brought a living Christmas tree into their apartment, only to have it grow up to the ceiling and through holes they cut in both of their upstairs neighbors’ floors, bringing joy and new friendships to all three families. Magical potted Christmas trees notwithstanding, gardening is a hobby that brings joy and grows friendships [...]

2019-12-19T05:03:49+00:00December 11th, 2019|Garden Tools, Gift Ideas, Hot Plants, Perennials, Pruning, Winter|0 Comments

Put Your Lawn & Garden to Bed for Winter

With dusk creeping into the four o’clock hour, regular morning frosts, and maple trees shedding the last of their autumn brilliance, we can be sure of one thing: late autumn is upon us. As you put your garden to bed for winter, here are a few items you’ll want to check off your list this month. First, let me suggest that before you do any final raking of leaves [...]

2019-11-29T19:49:43+00:00November 12th, 2019|Fall, Fertilizer, Hydrangeas, Lawn Care, Plant Care, Pruning, Roses, Winter|0 Comments

Embracing the Season of Spiders & Drizzle

Whoever ordered the weather for September deserves a refund. Early autumn in the Pacific Northwest is usually just about perfect: cool, crisp mornings, warm sunny days, and flowers resurging with their last best show of color after a warm summer. This year felt like we went straight from glorious summer to spiders and drizzle—not what anyone ordered, for sure! But, as we settle into autumn in earnest, it’s time to [...]

2019-10-07T14:59:05+00:00October 9th, 2019|Bulbs, Container Gardening, Fall, Lawn Care|0 Comments

Make the Most of Autumn Around the Yard

Plants don’t lie: vegetable gardens are giving the last of their abundance and the maple trees are showing the first of fall reds in their uppermost branches. Regardless how firmly we try to grasp the fading rays of summer, the seasons march on and autumn is arriving. As you gear up for the new season, here are a few tips to make the most of early autumn around the [...]

2024-12-14T00:31:36+00:00September 12th, 2019|Annuals, Fall, Insect Control, Lawn Care|0 Comments

Add Structure to Your Garden to Balance Summer Color

Summer in the Pacific Northwest is a glorious time of year filled with cascading colorful hanging baskets, blooming perennials, and abundant bouquets of hydrangea, roses, and dahlias—to name just a few! It’s easy in the abundance of the season to forget that it’s not always this way, but as much as I hate to remind you, summer’s glory will soon begin to fade. With fall planting season just around [...]

2019-08-26T14:11:36+00:00August 26th, 2019|Conifers, Shrubs, Trees|0 Comments

Tips to Keep Your Garden Colorful & Healthy Through Summer

Cool as it's been compared to the last few years, summer has arrived with gardens full of colorful blooms, vibrant foliage, and fresh produce. As you settle into the rhythms of the season, here are a couple plants you may wish to find a home for in your garden this summer and a few things to watch for so your flowers can continue to look their best. First, take some [...]

Hydrangeas Galore!

One of the most rewarding and easy-to-grow flowering plants in your yard, hydrangeas are incredibly popular for good reason! With a wide variety of shapes, sizes, sun or shade requirements, and colors, hydrangeas are a must-have for summer color in your garden. At Vander Giessen Nursery, we grow and sell a broad selection of hydrangeas, from dwarfs that top out at just 1-2 feet tall all the up to [...]

2019-09-26T05:15:14+00:00June 21st, 2019|Hot Plants, Hydrangeas, Shade, Shrubs, Summer Bloomers|0 Comments

Smart Moves to Keep Your Garden Happy This Summer

By nearly every measure, summer has arrived. Never mind that June has felt cooler and more spring-like than May--kids out of school and over 16 hours of daylight can only mean that summer is here! As you wrap up your spring checklist of filling planters and beds with colorful flowers, it’s time to shift into summer maintenance mode. Here are a few tips to ensure a thriving lawn and [...]

Exciting New Plants For Your Garden & Pots

The phrase “April showers bring May flowers” has never seemed to ring so true as this year. After a roller coaster spring that started late due to February’s bitter cold, then raced ahead during a warm, pleasant March, only to grind to a halt with a cool, wet April, it’s finally time to enjoy blue skies and great weather for planting just about anything. As you spend time outside [...]

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