Vander Giessen's Garden Blog

Trusted Knowledge & Inspiration to Help Your Garden Thrive

Four Garden Tasks to Start the Year Right

After a cold start to winter, our weather has moderated to more normal conditions for our area, with milder temperatures and regular rains. While we’re not out of the woods just yet—winter often returns in late January or February around here—with a new year upon us it’s time to start getting ready for a new year in the garden. Here are a few gardening tips to start the year off [...]

Holiday Hours & Winter Break

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our family at Vander Giessen Nursery to yours! We hope that in the coming days you are able to enjoy special times with loved ones sharing gifts, good food, and special memories, but most importantly, that you would know the joy that's found in the gift of the Savior, born in Bethlehem that first Christmas morning. As Christmas nears, please note our upcoming [...]

2022-12-22T23:49:47+00:00December 22nd, 2022|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Garden Treasures To Share with a Friend

Gardening is a hobby best shared with friends. Not to say that there’s no benefit to being alone in the garden—I think most gardeners would confess to loving the solitude that time in the garden can offer. But in the end, what would gardening be without a friend to visit with while you cut dahlia bouquets, an acquaintance on whose porch you anonymously leave a pile of zucchini (August 8 [...]

2022-12-15T19:14:13+00:00December 15th, 2022|Garden Tools, Gift Ideas, Winter|0 Comments

2022 Christmas Open House!

It's that time of year once again--our Christmas open house at Vander Giessen's! For many of the 84 years we've been in business, we've hosted an open house to kick off the Christmas season and we're excited to bring back the tradition again this year. Join us this Saturday, December 3 from 10:00-3:00 and enjoy time spent visiting with family and friends over a Christmas snack while you browse [...]

2022-12-01T16:42:57+00:00November 29th, 2022|Sale|0 Comments

With Thankful Hearts

The turkey is thawing, the table is set, and the last preparations are being made for the big day--Thanksgiving is almost here! At Vander Giessen's, we've been busy setting up our Christmas displays, but before we dive into the Christmas season, we want to pause to say thank you. Once again this year, we've been richly blessed to be able to serve you, our customers, and to be a part [...]

2022-11-23T19:07:55+00:00November 23rd, 2022|Uncategorized|0 Comments

From Summer to Snowflakes

In the last few weeks, our weather has rapidly shifted from endless summer to early winter, with little more than colorful foliage and pumpkins on the porch to remind us that indeed, it is still fall. As you enjoy the fall colors mingled with a chance of snowflakes, now is the time to put your garden to bed for winter, so here are a few tips to prepare your plants [...]

2022-11-09T18:24:45+00:00November 9th, 2022|Bulbs, Fall, Plant Care, Pruning, Roses, Shrubs, Winter|0 Comments

Death, Taxes…and Rain

Ben Franklin once said that “nothing is certain in life except death and taxes,” but he had obviously never visited the Pacific Northwest in autumn and experienced the rainy season that, though delayed this year, has finally arrived. As the traditional wet fall season begins to take hold in Western Washington, this month is a great time to get a head start on next year’s gardening success, so here [...]

2024-12-13T04:13:47+00:00October 14th, 2022|Annuals, Bulbs, Fall, Fertilizer, Lawn Care, Planting|0 Comments

A Garden Refresh for a New Season

Foolish me—I thought that after all the rain we had from last October through early June, we might just escape the summer wildfire smoke we’ve experienced the last few years. Although some forecasters predicted a cool, wetter-than-normal summer, since early summer it’s been very dry and warm, and with wildfires burning once again in our mountains, even the most rain-weary among us are wishing for a good, soaking rain. With [...]

Late Summer Color for the Garden

Sitting outside the other night, I was struck by how early it was getting dark. It should come as no surprise—after all, last I checked, this happens every year—but I’m always disappointed the first time I notice the days getting markedly shorter. Especially this year, when decent weather didn’t arrive until later in June, it’s hard to accept the fact that we’re firmly into late summer. As you tend to [...]

Bugs, Bounty, & Beauty in the Garden

The Pacific Northwest in July is a real gem: lush trees, plants, and fields; flowers burgeoning with color; juicy, sweet berries ripening; and a gentle breeze in the evening to cool off the warmth of the day. At long last summer has arrived, and with it our focus in the garden shifts from spring planting to mid-season growing and maintaining. Here are a few things to keep on your gardening [...]

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