Container Gardening

Keep Your Garden Going Strong

Welcome to late summer, that magical time of year when your garden looks the best it has all year…or doesn’t. Early heat in spring pushed gardens in our area into overdrive, and while the rest of summer has been more seasonable, your plants may be looking worn. To keep your plants going strong into fall—or for some ideas of replacements for your containers—here are some suggestions. If you grow flowers [...]

Fresh Crop of Lynden Baskets

At Vander Giessen's, we grow all of our own annuals and hanging baskets--doing so allows us complete control over the colors, types of plants used and most importantly, the quality of the end product. We take pride in our lush, healthy baskets, and if the feedback we get from our customers is any indication, the difference in quality is obvious to more than just us! With summer starting officially in [...]

2016-11-10T22:47:40+00:00June 16th, 2016|Annuals, Container Gardening, Hanging baskets|0 Comments

Grow a Colorful, Healthy Garden

With the month of May now well underway, planting season is in full swing. Whether you’re planting a vegetable garden, flower beds or a couple of containers on your deck, nothing is quite as rewarding as watching a garden grow and thrive. Here are my favorite plants and gardening secrets to try this month as you work in the garden. First, no garden is complete without at least some [...]

Enjoy a New Christmas Plant Tradition

With the Christmas season comes tradition. Whether favorite family movies, the annual choosing-of-the-tree, grandma’s sugar cookies or playing a classic Christmas album, December is marked by tradition. While it’s not a month typically associated with gardening, plants certainly have their place in the holiday season, and as you go about your Christmas decorating and gift-giving, it might be time for a new Christmas tradition. If asked to picture a [...]

2023-05-25T03:43:04+00:00December 13th, 2014|Container Gardening, Hot Plants, Perennials, Shade, Winter|0 Comments

Simple Steps for a Lush Garden

We’ve all heard it a thousand times: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Nowhere is this truer than in gardening. From the basics of planting to proper nutrition to dealing with pests and disease—gardening is a hobby that is best enjoyed when done right. As you begin caring for your garden this summer, here are some tips to make the season enjoyable. After you’ve made your [...]

Fresh Color for Your Containers

It’s hard to believe, but in just a couple weeks, summer will be over—at least for those of you who have children going back to school. In reality, though, summer in our corner of the world typically runs from July through September, so summer is only halfway over. Now the big question: are your flowers looking up to the challenge of the second half of summer weather? If not, [...]

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