
Put Your Lawn & Garden to Bed for Winter

With dusk creeping into the four o’clock hour, regular morning frosts, and maple trees shedding the last of their autumn brilliance, we can be sure of one thing: late autumn is upon us. As you put your garden to bed for winter, here are a few items you’ll want to check off your list this month. First, let me suggest that before you do any final raking of leaves [...]

2019-11-29T19:49:43+00:00November 12th, 2019|Fall, Fertilizer, Hydrangeas, Lawn Care, Plant Care, Pruning, Roses, Winter|0 Comments

Tips to Keep Your Garden Colorful & Healthy Through Summer

Cool as it's been compared to the last few years, summer has arrived with gardens full of colorful blooms, vibrant foliage, and fresh produce. As you settle into the rhythms of the season, here are a couple plants you may wish to find a home for in your garden this summer and a few things to watch for so your flowers can continue to look their best. First, take some [...]

Hydrangeas Galore!

One of the most rewarding and easy-to-grow flowering plants in your yard, hydrangeas are incredibly popular for good reason! With a wide variety of shapes, sizes, sun or shade requirements, and colors, hydrangeas are a must-have for summer color in your garden. At Vander Giessen Nursery, we grow and sell a broad selection of hydrangeas, from dwarfs that top out at just 1-2 feet tall all the up to [...]

2019-09-26T05:15:14+00:00June 21st, 2019|Hot Plants, Hydrangeas, Shade, Shrubs, Summer Bloomers|0 Comments

Bring New Life to Your Garden

At last, flowering trees and spring bulbs are in bloom, lawns have reawakened, and new life is bursting forth everywhere—spring is here! Amidst April showers, this month is an exciting time to spend outside in the yard, tending to your lawn and garden and discovering exciting new plants to replace those killed or damaged by winter’s cold and desiccating winds. First, April is the perfect time to apply preemergent weed [...]

2019-04-11T13:38:10+00:00April 11th, 2019|Fertilizer, Hot Plants, Hydrangeas, Lawn Care, Shrubs|0 Comments

Summer’s Here–Keep Your Garden Looking Great

Summer is in full swing in the Pacific Northwest, and with long days and warm weather, you’re likely finding yourself spending more time outside than in. As you enjoy evenings on your deck and weekends in the garden, here are a few tips to keep your plants looking their best. First, midsummer is the time to start keeping a close eye out for pests and disease in the garden. Up [...]

Show Your Lawn & Garden Some Love

Late summer is upon us, and with it, the joys of eating dinner on the deck and relishing the last weeks of warm weather before autumn arrives. Besides back-to-school shopping, late summer is the perfect time to schedule some preventative insect control for your lawn, prune some shrubs, and show your flowers and hanging baskets some extra love. First, now is a crucial time to apply grub killer to [...]

2024-12-14T00:32:45+00:00August 9th, 2017|Hydrangeas, Insect Control, Lawn Care, Plant Care, Shrubs|2 Comments

Late Autumn: A Time of Closure and New Beginnings in the Garden

In the world of gardening, November is a month of closure. Raking leaves, pulling out flowers, putting the lawnmower away for winter—there are plenty of signs that the season is ending. This month, as you wind down your garden work for 2016, don’t miss out on these season-ending tasks—and a very important first task for spring you need to take time for now. First, it’s time to rake leaves. [...]

2023-05-24T22:52:39+00:00November 19th, 2016|Disease Control, Fall, Fertilizer, Hydrangeas, Roses|0 Comments

Four Steps to a Better Garden

They call it the ‘dog days of summer.’ The month of August is traditionally a beautiful time in the Pacific Northwest, and so far, this month is shaping up to be just as nice as ever. Although it’s not a season when many people make a long to-do list for the yard, there are some simple tasks you can undertake in the next weeks to give you a healthier, [...]

Hydrangea Pruning: A Photo Primer

It's late summer--not the time you're exactly thinking of doing pruning around your yard, is it? Unless you're battling a shrub that's taking over your front porch, chances are you won't think much about pruning until at least this fall (or maybe even next spring). But did you know that late summer is a great time to prune many varieties of hydrangea? It's true! Older varieties of hydrangeas--standard mophead and [...]

2016-11-10T22:48:49+00:00August 16th, 2012|Hydrangeas, Plant Care, Shrubs, Summer Bloomers|0 Comments

The Best Food for the Job

Last summer I published a blog post about water-soluble fertilizers versus slow-release options and which type would work best for your plants. I spent a fair amount of page space writing about care for your annuals and hanging baskets--but what about the shrubs and trees in your yard? The truth is, most plants--especially flowering types--will benefit from regular (even if only once a year) feeding to keep them looking their [...]

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