
Enjoy a New Christmas Plant Tradition

With the Christmas season comes tradition. Whether favorite family movies, the annual choosing-of-the-tree, grandma’s sugar cookies or playing a classic Christmas album, December is marked by tradition. While it’s not a month typically associated with gardening, plants certainly have their place in the holiday season, and as you go about your Christmas decorating and gift-giving, it might be time for a new Christmas tradition. If asked to picture a [...]

2023-05-25T03:43:04+00:00December 13th, 2014|Container Gardening, Hot Plants, Perennials, Shade, Winter|0 Comments

Finish the Gardening Season Strong

With Thanksgiving drawing close, we’re in the homestretch of another year—and as you finish up the last of your gardening tasks for the season, here are a few tips to ensure a good end to this year and start to the next. First, it’s time to label your plants. As perennials grow in popularity and variety, more of the plants in our gardens simply disappear over winter, leaving us [...]

2017-01-12T15:19:37+00:00November 21st, 2014|Bulbs, Fall, Perennials, Plant Care, Roses|0 Comments

It’s Time to Put Your Yard to Bed

Many years, autumn weather comes as a gradual cool-down to ease us into the rainy season. This year, however, proved quite different. September felt much warmer than normal and even early October was beautifully sunny and mild. Then came the cold rain—and wind. In the span of just a few days, we transitioned from late summer to what feels like early winter, and with the change comes the task of [...]

2024-12-13T04:39:15+00:00November 15th, 2012|Fall, Fertilizer, Lawn Care, Perennials, Pruning, Roses|0 Comments

Time to Enjoy Your Garden

Welcome to summer! You’ve been planning for it, and now it’s here—time to sit back and enjoy the beauty of your garden. With gas prices inching higher and budgets tightened, you might be taking advantage of the new concept that came around this time last year—the “staycation,” a vacation spent at home. So, what are some plants you can enjoy planting this time of year? Let’s try perennials! First, many [...]

2021-07-30T20:43:19+00:00July 8th, 2009|Hot Plants, Perennials, Shade, Summer Bloomers|0 Comments
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