
Improve Your Lawn and Add Extra Interest to Your Garden

As a lawn and garden enthusiast, I find spring particularly invigorating—new life is bursting forth throughout the garden, shrubs and trees are in bloom and the lawn is waking up from a winter’s sleep. As you start to tend the yard and work up your flower beds again this spring, here are some tips to keep things looking their best as well as a few of my favorite new plants [...]

4 Fall Tasks for a Healthy Lawn & Colorful Garden

A year ago, we ended a warm, dry summer with a splash of sorts—October’s arrival brought a drastic change in the weather that began one of the wettest winters on record in our area. This year, we’ve once again experienced a dry summer and pleasant early fall, and while rainy weather is arriving, it's now the perfect for getting some extra lawn and garden projects done. Here are a [...]

Make the Most of Fall Planting Season

After a seemingly-interminable dry streak, we’ve finally been blessed with rain again here in our corner of the Pacific Northwest, and with it, the transition to a new season. With autumn here, now is the time to once again begin planting shrubs and trees, rehabilitating your lawn and sprucing up your containers for autumn. Even though it can still feel like summer in the afternoons, step outside early one [...]

Show Your Lawn & Garden Some Love

Late summer is upon us, and with it, the joys of eating dinner on the deck and relishing the last weeks of warm weather before autumn arrives. Besides back-to-school shopping, late summer is the perfect time to schedule some preventative insect control for your lawn, prune some shrubs, and show your flowers and hanging baskets some extra love. First, now is a crucial time to apply grub killer to [...]

2024-12-14T00:32:45+00:00August 9th, 2017|Hydrangeas, Insect Control, Lawn Care, Plant Care, Shrubs|2 Comments

Spring Renewal in the Yard & Garden

Spring is a time of renewal in the yard and garden, and that’s never been truer than this year. Whether you’re looking for a shrub to replace one damaged or killed this winter, want to plant something new and exciting to lift your spirits, or need help continuing to repair your lawn, here are some of my top suggestions for this month. Each spring brings about the introductions of [...]

2023-05-24T22:51:28+00:00April 13th, 2017|Edibles, Fruit, Hot Plants, Lawn Care, Shrubs|0 Comments

Autumn Tasks for a Colorful Garden & Healthy Lawn

With the return of rainy, cool weather, autumn is in full swing here in the Pacific Northwest. And while it’s not always the most fun to work outside these days, the fact is, it’s perfect weather for planting and taking care of some important yardwork. So, here’s what’s on my gardening to-do list this month—grab your raincoat! First, it’s time to replace your summer flowers with two types of flowers [...]

2024-11-30T15:24:47+00:00October 15th, 2016|Bulbs, Fall, Lawn Care, Planting, Shrubs|0 Comments

Color, Texture & Flavor for the Garden

There’s something about this time of year that I find particularly invigorating. Maybe it’s the bright colors of spring-blooming shrubs and perennials, maybe it’s the longer, warmer days, or maybe it’s the smell of fresh-cut grass; whatever it is, you might feel it too. As you get inspired to plant something in your yard this spring, here are a few of my favorite plants for unique color, texture, and flavor. [...]

2016-11-10T22:47:46+00:00April 21st, 2016|Edibles, Fruit, Hot Plants, Perennials, Shade, Shrubs|0 Comments

The Season for Dreaming

As a gardener, I’ve come to appreciate that gardening is never really finished. Sure, we mark the Last Mowing of the Year with pride and admire the look of a freshly-raked yard free of leaves for the (hopefully) final time, but if you’re anything like me, the satisfaction of a season finished is all too quickly replaced by the longing for spring upon the arrival of the first seed catalog [...]

2016-01-22T23:46:34+00:00January 22nd, 2016|Edibles, Perennials, Shrubs|0 Comments

Spring is Here–Enjoy It!

So, how about that winter? For the last two months, I’ve cautioned against getting too excited about the spring-like weather we’ve enjoyed for fear that a good dose of winter could still arrive. Although a slim chance of winter weather still exists, with March quickly passing it’s time to plow full speed ahead with spring and all it involves. Are you ready? Given the non-winter we had this year [...]

2025-01-06T16:45:30+00:00March 19th, 2015|Insect Control, Lawn Care, Plant Care, Shrubs, Trees|2 Comments

Make the Most of Fall & Winter Color

Autumn is quickly settling in here in the Pacific Northwest. As we begin to experience more regular rains, cooler nights and foggy mornings, here are some tips and a few of our favorite plants for a new season. First, I'm going to go out on a limb (pun intended!) and predict that trees in our area will show beautiful fall color this year. After a long, hot summer, deciduous [...]

2017-01-18T16:33:54+00:00September 25th, 2014|Annuals, Fall, Shrubs, Winter|0 Comments
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