Wordless Wednesday
Black-Eyed Susans looking great at the nursery!
Black-Eyed Susans looking great at the nursery!
This time of year can be a challenge for gardeners no matter how passionate you may be about plants. Annuals are beautiful and can give you months of color if you treat them right, but by late August, you're just tired. Sound familiar? Here are a few simple tips to keep things looking nice and avoid the uphill battle it can sometimes feel like.First, make sure you're keeping up on [...]
Blueberries are ripening--take a couple bushes home today!
All perennials are currently on sale--buy 3, get 1 FREE!
Shasta Daisies are in bloom!
Hydrangea 'Cityline Rio'In our part of the country, we’re blessed to have so many varieties of flowering shrubs and trees—from rhododendrons and azaleas to flowering cherry and plum trees, if you’re looking for color it’s easy to find. Yet look at those names I’ve just mentioned; do you see what they have in common? They’re all spring-blooming plants. That’s great—with our dreary, dark winters, we need a good pick-me-up in [...]
Check out our selection of beautiful hydrangeas in many sizes and colors!
'Ukigumo' Japanese Maple--a beautiful specimen tree for a shady garden!
Just a quick heads-up: we're open! In the past, the nursery used to close by mid-June after the greenhouses were empty, but since we've added a full selection of shrubs, trees, perennials, landscape products like bark mulch and many landscaping and garden products, we've stayed open through summer and fall. If you've just assumed that we close up after our annuals are sold out, make a note to yourself that [...]