
The Envy of Your Neighborhood

Every neighborhood has one—that one neighbor who consistently outshines the rest. This time of year is particularly vexing for some, as people begin to fill their flower beds with beautiful bedding plants and hang colorful baskets by the front porch. Maybe you’ve wondered how someone can make their flowers grow so well, and perhaps you’ve thought it would be too hard and time-consuming to attempt it yourself. Think again. [...]

2020-11-14T23:38:44+00:00May 18th, 2009|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Time to get planting

In case you haven't been following the calendar, it's time to get planting! Mother's Day weekend is traditionally the point at which it's safe to start putting your annuals out and planting your garden. Vander Giessen Nursery continues to carry a full stock of annuals, bedding plants and basket stuffers in our greenhouses, as well as the vegetable starts and seeds you need to plant a lush, nutritious vegetable garden! [...]

2016-11-10T22:50:36+00:00May 13th, 2009|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Mother’s Day is Coming!

In less than two weeks it will be Mother's Day. Have you thought about what you want to get your mom this year? Maybe a bouquet is your usual gift. This year, make your gift dollars go farther--buy her a growing gift! We have plenty of gift ideas at the nursery, and for over 70 years, we've been warming the hearts of mothers just like yours! Here are a [...]

2020-11-14T23:29:10+00:00April 28th, 2009|Uncategorized|0 Comments


It doesn't get a lot better than this! This time of year, Vander Giessen Nursery is bursting with color, from our fully-stocked greenhouses packed with color to the many flowering shrubs and trees coming into bloom in the nursery display yard. This truly is a magical time of year. Spring is here--yes, we're still getting some cool evening temperatures, so we recommend that you wait until late April or [...]

2020-11-14T23:27:57+00:00April 24th, 2009|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Early spring color for your garden

Spring is a magical time of year for gardeners. The cold, dark days of winter fade and warmer weather gradually returns. With the warmth comes a profusion of color, and the breathtaking transformation to spring begins in the Pacific Northwest. As I write, the calendar shows that we officially began spring nearly two weeks ago; this year, however, spring is coming much later than in recent years. Though we [...]

2020-11-14T23:19:30+00:00April 17th, 2009|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Listen to the corn grow!

In the Midwest, where I went to college, they say you can actually hear the corn growing in the summer. I believe it--the growing season they have there is shorter and more intense than here in the Pacific Northwest, so the corn has to grow at breakneck speed in order to be mature by harvest.In our greenhouses right now, the hanging baskets, bedding plants and basket stuffers are growing just [...]

2009-04-02T15:54:00+00:00April 2nd, 2009|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Making a List, Checking it Twice

Even though March is technically when spring arrives, here in the Pacific Northwest it can be an unsettled month with plenty of wintry weather--and we've had our fair share of crazy winter weather, with a couple dustings of snow and several nights of sub-freezing temperatures. With that kind of weather, you'd think Santa was on his way again! But, fortunately, it looks like we're beyond the cold temperatures and [...]

2020-11-14T23:17:30+00:00March 14th, 2009|Uncategorized|0 Comments

For unto us…

The Christmas season will soon be drawing to a close--Christmas Day is just a night's sleep away. Soon we will be packing up the ornaments and decorations, throwing away the crumbled shreds of wrapping paper, finishing off the last of the cookies and fudge and gearing up for a new year. The holiday festivities will be over and we'll resume our daily routines once again.But what do we have to [...]

2016-11-10T22:50:38+00:00December 24th, 2008|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Cold weather is a-coming!

We're still eight days away from the Winter Solstice, but step outside today and you'll know that winter is here. As I write this, the temperature is hovering right at freezing; add in the windchill and it feels more like the upper teens or low 20s!The good news is that we're supposed to have sun for the next few days; the bad news is that it's supposed to stay cold--well [...]

2008-12-13T19:45:00+00:00December 13th, 2008|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Giving Thanks

In the retail industry, Christmas is in full swing. This is no less true in garden retailing. Christmas Trees and Poinsettias are already in demand, and Thanksgiving isn't even here yet. And while I understand that Thanksgiving is late this year and we're in a depressed economy where a splash of Christmas color might brighten a person's day, I wish that we could celebrate one holiday at a time.This year, [...]

2016-11-10T22:50:40+00:00November 27th, 2008|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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