
Plant Now for a Fall Harvest

I love the month of August for many reasons—the upcoming Northwest Washington Fair, late-summer perennials full of color in the garden, and the slight change in the air that signals a new season drawing near. This year, as we anticipate the arrival of autumn (perhaps more eagerly than usual after a long, hot season!), we have much to look forward to. As you seek to revive a summer-weary garden, here [...]

2016-11-10T22:47:53+00:00August 17th, 2015|Perennials, Planting, Vegetables|0 Comments

Four Tips for a Better Vegetable Garden

With this year’s mild winter, our gardening season in the Pacific Northwest has gotten off to a much earlier start than normal. From lawns that needed a good mowing weeks ago to fields of tulips in bloom well before the height of the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival, signs of an early spring have been plentiful. As you prepare to plant your vegetable garden this year, here are four tips for [...]

2024-12-14T00:38:42+00:00April 23rd, 2015|Edibles, Fertilizer, Vegetables|0 Comments

Four Steps to a Better Garden

They call it the ‘dog days of summer.’ The month of August is traditionally a beautiful time in the Pacific Northwest, and so far, this month is shaping up to be just as nice as ever. Although it’s not a season when many people make a long to-do list for the yard, there are some simple tasks you can undertake in the next weeks to give you a healthier, [...]

Simple Steps for a Lush Garden

We’ve all heard it a thousand times: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Nowhere is this truer than in gardening. From the basics of planting to proper nutrition to dealing with pests and disease—gardening is a hobby that is best enjoyed when done right. As you begin caring for your garden this summer, here are some tips to make the season enjoyable. After you’ve made your [...]

Flowers or Food–Make the Most of Your Garden!

In the world of gardening, this is the time of year I like most. Each morning I walk through the greenhouses at our nursery and marvel at how fast everything is growing. The longer days and warmer temperatures throw annuals into overdrive—one day, a greenhouse of Lynden baskets may be merely budded; the next, it’s full of color. In the last couple weeks, cooler, wetter weather may have dampened your [...]

2021-07-30T21:28:32+00:00April 19th, 2010|Annuals, Vegetables|0 Comments
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