
New Life for Your Lawn & Planters

This summer’s long stretches of hot weather, little to no significant rain, and days of heavy forest fire smoke have made it a season for the record books. Now, with relief here in the form of cooler temperatures and more regular rain, it’s time to transition to a new season. Here are a few tips to get your yard and planters in shape for autumn. First, now is the [...]

Tips to Repair Storm-Damaged Trees

Days of sub-freezing temperatures, a dusting of snow, stiff winds, and a north-county ice storm for the record books. Suffice it to say, winter is in full swing in the Pacific Northwest, and whether you’re in the midst of cleaning up after the last storm or just want to be prepared for the next time wicked weather hits, here are some tips to take care of your trees. First, [...]

2018-01-12T17:28:25+00:00January 12th, 2018|Plant Care, Pruning, Trees, Winter|4 Comments

Tips to Keep Your Christmas Fresh & Vibrant

With the Christmas season underway, gardening takes a backseat to decorating—and with good reason, since Christmas comes only once a year! In this season of celebration, though, many of the decorations you use indoors and out are perishable and can start to look worn before the last of your Christmas get-togethers are over. To keep your home looking festive and fresh through the holidays, here are a few tips I’ve [...]

2017-12-12T05:09:06+00:00December 13th, 2017|Container Gardening, Plant Care, Winter|0 Comments

Tips to Get Your Lawn & Garden Ready For Winter

Although we’re officially only halfway through autumn, the weather we’ve experienced in the last couple of weeks has felt decidedly like winter. And, if long-range forecasters are correct, this could be just the beginning of another long winter here in the Pacific Northwest. This month, take some time to wrap up the last of your yard projects for the season and prepare your lawn and garden for the wintry [...]

2023-05-24T22:50:28+00:00November 16th, 2017|Fall, Fertilizer, Garden Tools, Lawn Care, Plant Care, Roses, Winter|2 Comments

Early Spring Gardening is Here!

Last month I wrote about how much I love winter—and don’t get me wrong, I do!—but this year, we've had seemingly more than our normal share of winter weather and frankly, I’m ready to scratch my spring itch. Thankfully, the weather is improving and spring is beginning to arrive, so it’s time to make your early spring gardening to-do list. Gardening in early spring is very weather-dependent, especially when [...]

Garden Resolutions for the New Year

For as enthusiastic about gardening as I am, I’ll admit I find winter a wonderful season of refreshment with few gardening tasks. And this year, for the first time in several, we’ve experienced a real winter, complete with cold temperatures and snow. That said, spring isn’t far away, and as you work on your New Year’s resolutions, now is a great time to set some goals for your gardening [...]

2017-01-26T04:31:48+00:00January 26th, 2017|Lawn Care, Plant Care, Winter|0 Comments

Caring for Your Plants in Harsh Winter Conditions

In the last couple of years, we’ve come to associate winter in the Pacific Northwest with mild temperatures and minimal precipitation. This year is so far proving altogether different, and though we’re still a week away from winter’s official arrival, one look out your window will tell a completely different story. With the new season upon us, here are a few tips to keep your plants healthy and happy through [...]

2016-12-16T16:58:24+00:00December 16th, 2016|Container Gardening, Container gardens, Plant Care, Winter|0 Comments

A Cure for the Spring Itch

Even though it's still January, I have to admit I’m already feeling the itch to start doing some work around the yard, a sentiment I normally don’t feel until February at some point. If you’re also beginning to feel the “need to weed” or get gardening, here are some recommendations to keep you busy without getting ahead of yourself. First, let me offer a word of caution. Last year [...]

2017-01-12T00:15:01+00:00January 23rd, 2015|Annuals, Garden Tools, Winter|0 Comments

Enjoy a New Christmas Plant Tradition

With the Christmas season comes tradition. Whether favorite family movies, the annual choosing-of-the-tree, grandma’s sugar cookies or playing a classic Christmas album, December is marked by tradition. While it’s not a month typically associated with gardening, plants certainly have their place in the holiday season, and as you go about your Christmas decorating and gift-giving, it might be time for a new Christmas tradition. If asked to picture a [...]

2023-05-25T03:43:04+00:00December 13th, 2014|Container Gardening, Hot Plants, Perennials, Shade, Winter|0 Comments

Make the Most of Fall & Winter Color

Autumn is quickly settling in here in the Pacific Northwest. As we begin to experience more regular rains, cooler nights and foggy mornings, here are some tips and a few of our favorite plants for a new season. First, I'm going to go out on a limb (pun intended!) and predict that trees in our area will show beautiful fall color this year. After a long, hot summer, deciduous [...]

2017-01-18T16:33:54+00:00September 25th, 2014|Annuals, Fall, Shrubs, Winter|0 Comments
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