The Best Lawns Begin with Vander Giessen Seed
At Vander Giessen Nursery, our more than 85 years of experience in helping our customers grow beautiful lawns has helped us perfect the best grass seed mix for the Pacific Northwest. Whether you’re planting a new lawn or overseeding existing turf, our Vander Giessen Seed Mix is sure to provide a beautiful, healthy lawn for years to come. Our seed mix is a proprietary blend of fescue, perennial rye and Kentucky bluegrass available only at the nursery.
In northwest Washington, grass seed can be planted from April 1-October 15 and will sprout in 5-15 days, depending on weather and soil temperature. Our grass seed is available year-round, but for best results, we generally do not recommend seeding prior to April or beyond early October.
When planting a new lawn, we highly recommend applying Scotts Turf Builder Starter fertilizer with your grass seed to allow for rapid development of a healthy root system and thick turf.
Our Vander Giessen Seed Mix is available by the pound, so we can measure out exactly what you’ll need for your project. Next time you’re ready to plant new grass seed, let our experience with lawns and our top-quality seed mix help make your job a success!
Grass Seed Application Rates
For seeding your own lawn, we recommend the following seeding rates:
- New Seeding: 7 lbs / 1000 sq. ft.
- Overseeding: 3-4 lbs / 1000 sq. ft.

When to Plant
Grass seed can be planted from April through September, but did you know that early autumn is arguably the best time of year to seed a new lawn or repair existing turf? Summer-warmed soil combined with moderate air temperatures make for the perfect conditions to get a lawn established quickly. Read the best tips for success from our blog at the link below, and sign up for our e-mail list at the bottom of this page to get timely gardening tips sent directly to your inbox each month.