
Keep the Beauty Going in the Garden

This week’s forecast: nothing but sunshine. While the webbed-feet crowd can bemoan that spring’s rain has transitioned solidly to dry summer weather, we can all appreciate the fact that summer brings with it the abundance of a garden harvest, days spent at the lake or the bay, and relaxing in the cool of the day outside on the deck. As you work in the garden this month, here are a [...]

Shifting Focus for a New Season in the Garden

Early season produce is beginning to ripen in gardens, strawberry stands are sharing their sweet harvest, and long days mean evening fun watching kids shoot hoops or play in the yard. All this can mean only one thing: summer has arrived. With the arrival of a new season, our tasks in the garden shift slightly, giving gardeners a new set of goals to keep plants performing their best throughout the [...]

Bugs, Bounty, & Beauty in the Garden

The Pacific Northwest in July is a real gem: lush trees, plants, and fields; flowers burgeoning with color; juicy, sweet berries ripening; and a gentle breeze in the evening to cool off the warmth of the day. At long last summer has arrived, and with it our focus in the garden shifts from spring planting to mid-season growing and maintaining. Here are a few things to keep on your gardening [...]

Waiting for Summer Sun

Ask any native Washingtonian and they’ll tell you that “June Gloom” is a very real thing in our corner of the world. Unfortunately, this year’s June Gloom comes on the heels of Abundant April Showers and a Mostly Moist May, leaving weather forecasters with few friends. With summer just around the corner (one can hope!), June is a great time to work outside, ensuring a colorful, productive, and healthy garden [...]

Finishing Summer Strong in the Garden

Late summer in the garden can be both a challenging and rewarding time, with increased insect and disease issues at a time when plants are their most productive or beautiful. You’ve cared for your garden this many months, watering, fertilizing, and carefully tending to your plants’ needs—so let’s finish the summer strong. Here are a few tips to keep your garden healthy and looking its best as fall looms just [...]

Keeping Plants Healthy in Dry, Warm Weather

To people who don’t live in the Pacific Northwest, it almost sounds unreal to say our summers are dry. So stereotyped is our corner of the world as an always-drizzling moss-covered region that many don’t realize how dry it can be from July through September. One look, however, at the heat-stressed pots on your patio reveals the truth: summer is dry! To keep your hanging baskets and pots going [...]

Keep Your Garden Going Strong

Welcome to late summer, that magical time of year when your garden looks the best it has all year…or doesn’t. Early heat in spring pushed gardens in our area into overdrive, and while the rest of summer has been more seasonable, your plants may be looking worn. To keep your plants going strong into fall—or for some ideas of replacements for your containers—here are some suggestions. If you grow flowers [...]

Tips for a Better Summer Garden

It’s June, and although the warm, dry weather feels more like late July, summer is only just begun. By now, your garden is likely planted, your flowers are growing and you’re beginning to see the fruits of your labors as plants do what they do best: look beautiful! With the new season upon us, here are a few tips to keeping your garden looking its best and a couple of [...]

2025-01-02T16:43:39+00:00June 24th, 2015|Annuals, Lawn Care, Plant Care, Roses, Summer Bloomers|0 Comments

Solving Common Garden Problems

I think it would be an understatement to say the weather this year has been strange. Of course, the cooler summer has been great for keeping lawns green. Unfortunately, it’s also given us our fair share of gardening problems to deal with. For starters, although you might have a nice green lawn, you may also be battling a fungus called “red thread.” Noted by pink-tinged brown patches in grass, [...]

2024-12-13T04:34:35+00:00August 17th, 2011|Disease Control, Fertilizer, Insect Control, Plant Care|0 Comments

Rose Gardening: Supplemental Information

The following information is supplemental to our recent blog post about growing roses. If you haven't read it yet, we encourage you to read it here. Every time you visit a nursery, you marvel at the beautiful roses; the gorgeous blooms in every shade of the rainbow, the glossy leaves--and don't forget the amazing fragrances! But you've tried before...and failed. Or maybe you've just heard it's too much work. You're [...]

2025-01-02T20:09:11+00:00June 9th, 2010|Plant Care, Roses|0 Comments
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