
Keeping Plants Healthy in Dry, Warm Weather

To people who don’t live in the Pacific Northwest, it almost sounds unreal to say our summers are dry. So stereotyped is our corner of the world as an always-drizzling moss-covered region that many don’t realize how dry it can be from July through September. One look, however, at the heat-stressed pots on your patio reveals the truth: summer is dry! To keep your hanging baskets and pots going [...]

Early Spring is Here–Are You Ready?

With gradually-improving weather and daylight hours getting longer, spring is in the air. Look outside and you’ll be sure to find your bulbs growing, trees and shrubs starting to bud and life bursting forth throughout the garden. As you start your spring clean-up around the yard and make the first gardening to-do lists, here are some early-season jobs you’ll want to accomplish. First, it’s time for spring pruning. Keep [...]

Spring Renewal in the Yard & Garden

Spring is a time of renewal in the yard and garden, and that’s never been truer than this year. Whether you’re looking for a shrub to replace one damaged or killed this winter, want to plant something new and exciting to lift your spirits, or need help continuing to repair your lawn, here are some of my top suggestions for this month. Each spring brings about the introductions of [...]

2023-05-24T22:51:28+00:00April 13th, 2017|Edibles, Fruit, Hot Plants, Lawn Care, Shrubs|0 Comments

Early Spring Gardening is Here!

Last month I wrote about how much I love winter—and don’t get me wrong, I do!—but this year, we've had seemingly more than our normal share of winter weather and frankly, I’m ready to scratch my spring itch. Thankfully, the weather is improving and spring is beginning to arrive, so it’s time to make your early spring gardening to-do list. Gardening in early spring is very weather-dependent, especially when [...]

Early Spring Tasks in the Garden

Early though it may be, spring is in the air. Take a look outside at your yard and you’ll be sure to find your bulbs sprouted, trees and shrubs starting to bud and life bursting forth throughout the garden. As you start your spring clean-up around the yard and make the first gardening to-do lists, here are some early-season jobs you’ll want to accomplish. First, it’s time for spring pruning. [...]

Trust Me, It’s Not Crabgrass

Think you have crabgrass in your lawn? Let me be blunt: you're wrong. Here in the Pacific Northwest, crabgrass is rarely a significant problem in lawns; in fact, even when it is you won't notice it showing up until summer heat sets in. The fact is, if you think you have crabgrass in your lawn during the cooler spring months, it's not crabgrass at all. It's poa. Somewhere back [...]

2023-05-25T03:42:00+00:00April 24th, 2015|Lawn Care|15 Comments

Take Steps Now for a Healthy Spring Lawn

As we get into autumn, leaves begin to fall, temperatures drop and all things green begin to go dormant.While you may be tired of lawn care—believe me, even the most enthusiastic gardeners do!—this season is an important time to take several key steps to ensure a beautiful lawn next spring. The first step is to prevent night crawler damage. While useful in aerating your soil and a part of the [...]

2024-12-12T05:20:36+00:00October 25th, 2013|Fall, Lawn Care|0 Comments

Simple Solutions to Common Garden Problems

Your flowers are planted, vacations are starting, and warmer days are becoming more and more frequent—in short, summer is on its way. As you sit back and watch things grow, you’ve probably also started to notice some problems showing up in your lawn and garden. Not to worry—for most garden problems, many people have faced the same battles and there are likely simple fixes. Here are a few of [...]

2024-12-13T04:44:17+00:00June 26th, 2013|Fertilizer, Lawn Care, Plant Care|0 Comments

Make the Most of Autumn Planting Season

It’s not a season many people automatically think of when it comes to gardening, but did you know that autumn is really a great time to plant? It’s true—and for a variety of reasons, it may well be the best time of year for you to get out in your yard. So how can you make the most of what the season has to offer and enjoy gardening success? [...]

2025-01-06T16:31:11+00:00September 19th, 2012|Fall, Fertilizer, Plant Care, Planting, Shrubs, Trees, Winter|0 Comments

Fresh Color for Your Containers

It’s hard to believe, but in just a couple weeks, summer will be over—at least for those of you who have children going back to school. In reality, though, summer in our corner of the world typically runs from July through September, so summer is only halfway over. Now the big question: are your flowers looking up to the challenge of the second half of summer weather? If not, [...]

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