
Tips to Keep Your Yard Looking Great

Finally, it’s here—summer weather! After a seemingly interminably wet June, July has given us a good share of sunny, warm days. As you take advantage of the nicer weather to enjoy more time out in your yard, it’s important that you also keep up on some maintenance of your lawn and flowerbeds to keep things looking their best. Here are a few easy tips to keep your yard looking [...]

The Best Food for the Job

Last summer I published a blog post about water-soluble fertilizers versus slow-release options and which type would work best for your plants. I spent a fair amount of page space writing about care for your annuals and hanging baskets--but what about the shrubs and trees in your yard? The truth is, most plants--especially flowering types--will benefit from regular (even if only once a year) feeding to keep them looking their [...]

Solving Common Garden Problems

I think it would be an understatement to say the weather this year has been strange. Of course, the cooler summer has been great for keeping lawns green. Unfortunately, it’s also given us our fair share of gardening problems to deal with. For starters, although you might have a nice green lawn, you may also be battling a fungus called “red thread.” Noted by pink-tinged brown patches in grass, [...]

2024-12-13T04:34:35+00:00August 17th, 2011|Disease Control, Fertilizer, Insect Control, Plant Care|0 Comments

Tips for Summer Planting

Let's face it--summer can seem like a scary time of year to plant. Between the fact that plants are fully leafed out and the need for extra watering, you may think it's not worth the risk to plant during the summer. But that's not a great option either; if you wait, you're stuck looking at empty flower beds all summer and by the time fall rolls around, plant selection [...]

2025-01-06T17:35:18+00:00July 12th, 2011|Plant Care, Planting|0 Comments

Moss in Your Lawn? Go to Battle!

Here in the Pacific Northwest, moss is a common problem we all battle in our lawns and flower beds. On the north side of the house, in shady areas--and this year, just about all over--it's a challenge to keep up with. Especially after this year's mild, wet winter, you may find that the moss in your lawn is worse than ever. So what to do? There are a few steps [...]

2024-12-13T02:59:42+00:00March 18th, 2011|Lawn Care|1 Comment

Too much work? Think again!

Assisting customers at our nursery, I often hear comments like, “Oh, I love roses, but I hear they’re a lot of work,” or “Wow, that’s a pretty rose, but aren’t they hard to care for?” This time of year roses are just coming into bloom, prompting many people to stop and take note of the beautiful colors and delicious fragrances. Maybe you’re one of those people, fascinated by the striking [...]

2021-07-30T20:35:49+00:00June 11th, 2009|Hot Plants, Plant Care, Roses, Summer Bloomers|0 Comments
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