
Make the Most of Autumn Planting Season

It’s not a season many people automatically think of when it comes to gardening, but did you know that autumn is really a great time to plant? It’s true—and for a variety of reasons, it may well be the best time of year for you to get out in your yard. So how can you make the most of what the season has to offer and enjoy gardening success? [...]

2025-01-06T16:31:11+00:00September 19th, 2012|Fall, Fertilizer, Plant Care, Planting, Shrubs, Trees, Winter|0 Comments

Tips to Keep Your Yard Looking Great

Finally, it’s here—summer weather! After a seemingly interminably wet June, July has given us a good share of sunny, warm days. As you take advantage of the nicer weather to enjoy more time out in your yard, it’s important that you also keep up on some maintenance of your lawn and flowerbeds to keep things looking their best. Here are a few easy tips to keep your yard looking [...]

The Best Food for the Job

Last summer I published a blog post about water-soluble fertilizers versus slow-release options and which type would work best for your plants. I spent a fair amount of page space writing about care for your annuals and hanging baskets--but what about the shrubs and trees in your yard? The truth is, most plants--especially flowering types--will benefit from regular (even if only once a year) feeding to keep them looking their [...]

Brighten Your Garden with Early Spring Color

Have you taken a look around your yard lately? After a couple years of unseasonably early spring weather (never mind the fact that last year then decided to go back to winter until June!), this year appears to be a little bit more normal—so far. As I write this, I can see crocuses in bloom in my neighbors’ yards and the tulips I planted last fall are beginning to [...]

2024-12-12T22:31:06+00:00March 14th, 2012|Hot Plants, Lawn Care, Shrubs|0 Comments

Take Steps Now for a Great Spring

Like it or not, I think it’s safe to say our summer is over. If you haven’t yet started fall cleanup in your yard, you probably will soon—and in another month or so, the last of the yard work will be complete and you can put your garden tools to rest until spring. Before you call it quits, though, there are a few items I would encourage you to add [...]

2024-12-13T00:18:24+00:00October 12th, 2011|Bulbs, Fall, Lawn Care|0 Comments

Moss in Your Lawn? Go to Battle!

Here in the Pacific Northwest, moss is a common problem we all battle in our lawns and flower beds. On the north side of the house, in shady areas--and this year, just about all over--it's a challenge to keep up with. Especially after this year's mild, wet winter, you may find that the moss in your lawn is worse than ever. So what to do? There are a few steps [...]

2024-12-13T02:59:42+00:00March 18th, 2011|Lawn Care|1 Comment

It’s Time to Start Your Spring Checklist

An old saying says that March is “in like a lion, out like a lamb.” Well, the “lion” has certainly reared its head as the month has started! After the latest windstorms, you may have already spent some time outside cleaning up your yard. As you get started, here are some spring checklist items that are important to accomplish for a headache-free gardening season ahead. First things first: clean up [...]

2024-12-13T03:06:19+00:00March 11th, 2011|Fertilizer, Lawn Care, Plant Care|0 Comments

It’s Not Too Late to Garden!

Did I get your attention? I know, you probably read the title and thought, “Good grief—it’s already mid-autumn, the weather has been cold and rainy, I’m sick of mowing…and you expect me to keep gardening?!” It’s okay if you feel that way—you’re certainly not alone. And while a comfortable recliner and a good book sound great to just about anyone, I have a few reminders (the list is short, [...]

2024-12-13T03:15:27+00:00October 16th, 2010|Fertilizer, Lawn Care, Winter|0 Comments

Embrace the Forgotten Season

Think about it: Which season do you most anticipate? For many gardeners, spring can’t come soon enough after a dreary, cold winter. How about summer? You bet—who doesn’t gladly welcome longer days and warmer temperatures? Winter is great, too—and we don’t get too much say in the matter as retailers seem to start promoting Christmas earlier and earlier each year. Autumn, though, seems to be increasingly overlooked. It’s not [...]

2024-12-13T04:10:08+00:00September 10th, 2010|Fall, Hot Plants, Lawn Care|0 Comments

Start the Spring Checklist!

I like to consider myself an optimist. To me, the glass is half full, and a typical gray day in Washington is partly sunny, not mostly cloudy. The warm weather this winter, however, leaves me cautious. While I’d like to believe that spring is here to stay, history has proven otherwise. So, as a gardener, what can you start working on outside that will satiate your desire to work in [...]

2024-12-13T04:18:20+00:00March 13th, 2010|Lawn Care|0 Comments
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