Insect Control

Four Garden Tasks to Start the Year Right

After a cold start to winter, our weather has moderated to more normal conditions for our area, with milder temperatures and regular rains. While we’re not out of the woods just yet—winter often returns in late January or February around here—with a new year upon us it’s time to start getting ready for a new year in the garden. Here are a few gardening tips to start the year off [...]

Bugs, Bounty, & Beauty in the Garden

The Pacific Northwest in July is a real gem: lush trees, plants, and fields; flowers burgeoning with color; juicy, sweet berries ripening; and a gentle breeze in the evening to cool off the warmth of the day. At long last summer has arrived, and with it our focus in the garden shifts from spring planting to mid-season growing and maintaining. Here are a few things to keep on your gardening [...]

Bring New Life to Your Garden

At last, flowering trees and spring bulbs are in bloom, lawns have reawakened, and new life is bursting forth everywhere—spring is here! Amidst April showers, this month is an exciting time to spend outside in the yard, tending to your lawn and garden and discovering exciting new plants to replace those killed or damaged by winter’s cold and desiccating winds. First, April is the perfect time to apply preemergent weed [...]

2019-04-11T13:38:10+00:00April 11th, 2019|Fertilizer, Hot Plants, Hydrangeas, Lawn Care, Shrubs|0 Comments

An Early Spring? Not Quite!

Gardening? In this weather? I know what you’re thinking, and you’re right—at 20 degrees, with frozen ground and blowing snow, we’re a far cry from the early spring we were expecting as recently as two weeks ago. Later this month, though, as the temperatures begin to warm, it will be time to assess the damage, replant pots for early spring and get back to gardening, so here are some tips [...]

2019-02-16T05:32:14+00:00February 16th, 2019|Container Gardening, Fertilizer, Plant Care, Winter|0 Comments

It’s Time to Plan for a Successful Year in the Garden

Stockings are put away, cookie tins hold little more than crumbs, and the Christmas tree has literally been kicked to the curb—once again, the holidays are past and we look ahead to the broad horizons of a new year. In this season of rest for gardening, now is the time to dream and to plan for a successful year of growing once again. First, January is a great time of [...]

2019-02-16T05:25:00+00:00January 16th, 2019|Disease Control, Insect Control, Plant Care|0 Comments

Show Your Lawn & Garden Some Love

Late summer is upon us, and with it, the joys of eating dinner on the deck and relishing the last weeks of warm weather before autumn arrives. Besides back-to-school shopping, late summer is the perfect time to schedule some preventative insect control for your lawn, prune some shrubs, and show your flowers and hanging baskets some extra love. First, now is a crucial time to apply grub killer to [...]

2024-12-14T00:32:45+00:00August 9th, 2017|Hydrangeas, Insect Control, Lawn Care, Plant Care, Shrubs|2 Comments

Summer Care to Keep Your Plants Healthy and Vibrant

With summer in full swing, now is the time of year we can really enjoy the beauty that the Pacific Northwest has to offer. The flowers you planted in May and June are in full bloom and your vegetable garden is beginning to offer its bounty. Maybe, however, all is not perfect in paradise—whether insects, fertilizer deficiency, or disease issues, any number of problems could put your garden’s beauty [...]

Keep Your Garden Going Strong

Welcome to late summer, that magical time of year when your garden looks the best it has all year…or doesn’t. Early heat in spring pushed gardens in our area into overdrive, and while the rest of summer has been more seasonable, your plants may be looking worn. To keep your plants going strong into fall—or for some ideas of replacements for your containers—here are some suggestions. If you grow flowers [...]

Ladybugs and Beneficial Nematodes Are Here!

After yet another mild winter and warm start to the spring, one thing is sure: bugs will be a problem in your garden again this year. As you tend to your plants, keep a close eye out for any deformed new foliage or damage to your plants caused by aphids or other damaging insects. Sprays and systemic insect control products are effective methods for dealing with garden pests, but maybe [...]

2016-05-12T13:58:30+00:00May 12th, 2016|Insect Control|0 Comments

Early Spring Tasks in the Garden

Early though it may be, spring is in the air. Take a look outside at your yard and you’ll be sure to find your bulbs sprouted, trees and shrubs starting to bud and life bursting forth throughout the garden. As you start your spring clean-up around the yard and make the first gardening to-do lists, here are some early-season jobs you’ll want to accomplish. First, it’s time for spring pruning. [...]

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