
The Best Food for the Job

Last summer I published a blog post about water-soluble fertilizers versus slow-release options and which type would work best for your plants. I spent a fair amount of page space writing about care for your annuals and hanging baskets--but what about the shrubs and trees in your yard? The truth is, most plants--especially flowering types--will benefit from regular (even if only once a year) feeding to keep them looking their [...]

Slow-Release or Water-Soluble: The Best Fertilizer for the Job

One of the most common questions I hear from customers at the nursery is, "Which fertilizer should I use?" Annuals, shrubs, perennials, trees--all plants need proper nutrients to keep growing and looking their best. So why the confusion? The fact is, you could probably go shopping for fertilizer and end up with a different product for each and every one of your plants. Discouraged by so many choices, many people [...]

2024-12-12T22:17:46+00:00June 24th, 2011|Annuals, Fertilizer, Plant Care|0 Comments

Get the Most Out of Your Investment!

I know I’m being repetitive when I say that I love this time of year. Look back at any column I’ve written in the past and you’d probably find some reference to how much I love the current season. The truth is, we live in a beautiful corner of the world and with our moderate climate we really can enjoy four seasons of garden interest. At the peak of summer, [...]

2024-12-13T04:30:24+00:00August 12th, 2010|Annuals, Fertilizer, Garden Tools|0 Comments
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