Lawn Care

Dealing with Curveballs in Gardening

I’m not the athletic sort, so forgive me for mixing metaphors when I say that we gardeners have to learn to roll with the punches when life throws us curveballs. Whatever word picture you prefer, the heat and sun we experienced late last month was a curveball we’ll talk about for a long time. As you clean up damaged plants and try to help your garden recover, here are some [...]

Proper Timing for Gardening Success

In gardening, timing is everything. Whether getting your vegetable seeds or starts in the ground at the proper time, feeding your lawn and garden when needed, and spraying or treating for insects before an infestation ruins your fruit or flowers—the success of your endeavors hinges largely on doing things at the right time. As you wrap up planting your vegetable garden for summer and begin to focus on maintaining your [...]

Battling the Effects of June Gloom

To say that this year has been unusual is in so many areas of life an understatement. And although the cool, damp weather we’ve had the last several weeks seems unusual, it’s not unprecedented—after all, Washingtonians are the ones who coined terms like “June gloom” and my favorite, “June-uary.” While the last few years have brought us beautiful weather in June, it’s not uncommon for gloomy weather to hang [...]

Rain or Shine, Get Ready for Spring

Like most Washingtonians, I love a good rain—at least the first few of the season. But frankly, I think even the most enthusiastic pluviophiles among us (extra points if you don’t have to look it up!) are ready for a good stretch of sunny, dry weather. As you gear up for early spring in the garden, here are a few can’t-miss tasks to make time for this month. First, before [...]

2020-02-14T04:13:52+00:00February 14th, 2020|Fruit, Lawn Care, Plant Care, Pruning, Roses, Shrubs|2 Comments

Embracing the Season of Spiders & Drizzle

Whoever ordered the weather for September deserves a refund. Early autumn in the Pacific Northwest is usually just about perfect: cool, crisp mornings, warm sunny days, and flowers resurging with their last best show of color after a warm summer. This year felt like we went straight from glorious summer to spiders and drizzle—not what anyone ordered, for sure! But, as we settle into autumn in earnest, it’s time to [...]

2019-10-07T14:59:05+00:00October 9th, 2019|Bulbs, Container Gardening, Fall, Lawn Care|0 Comments

Smart Moves to Keep Your Garden Happy This Summer

By nearly every measure, summer has arrived. Never mind that June has felt cooler and more spring-like than May--kids out of school and over 16 hours of daylight can only mean that summer is here! As you wrap up your spring checklist of filling planters and beds with colorful flowers, it’s time to shift into summer maintenance mode. Here are a few tips to ensure a thriving lawn and [...]

Prepare Your Garden for a Winter’s Rest

With the sun hanging low in the southern sky and frost beginning to appear more regularly on roofs and lawns, autumn in the Pacific Northwest is gradually eroding, soon to be replaced with winter. As your garden goes to sleep for winter and you prepare to store your tools for a season’s rest, here are a few final tasks to accomplish around the yard this month. First, it’s not too [...]

2018-11-15T05:13:59+00:00November 15th, 2018|Fall, Fertilizer, Lawn Care, Perennials, Plant Care, Roses, Winter|0 Comments

Enjoy Summer Gardening Success

With summer just around the corner, it’s prime season for working around the yard. June’s long days are ideal for tending to the yard and landscaping around the house. Whether you’re working to ensure a healthy lawn through summer or planting shrubs and trees around your home, here are a few tips to ensure success in your endeavors. First, June is the perfect time to feed your lawn before summer. [...]

2025-01-06T17:12:41+00:00June 14th, 2018|Fertilizer, Hot Plants, Lawn Care, Plant Care, Planting, Shrubs|0 Comments

Spring Tips to Help Your Lawn & Garden Thrive!

As a gardener, I’ve learned to cherish each of the four seasons for the changes they bring to the yard and garden. With the plants around your yard starting to grow once again, now is the time to begin rejuvenating your lawn, feed your plants, and discover the benefits of beneficial pollinators for your fruit trees and bushes. First, March is the ideal time to get started on lawn [...]

2024-12-13T04:23:28+00:00March 23rd, 2018|Fertilizer, Fruit, Lawn Care, Plant Care|2 Comments

Make the Most of Fall Planting Season

After a seemingly-interminable dry streak, we’ve finally been blessed with rain again here in our corner of the Pacific Northwest, and with it, the transition to a new season. With autumn here, now is the time to once again begin planting shrubs and trees, rehabilitating your lawn and sprucing up your containers for autumn. Even though it can still feel like summer in the afternoons, step outside early one [...]

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