Moss Control

A Time to Bring Life Back to Your Yard

With our long, wet winter stubbornly refusing to completely yield to spring’s warmer, sunnier weather, life in the Pacific Northwest this early spring has been a challenge for those of us who wish to get started gardening. With gradually improving weather, though, now is the time to begin repairing your yard, replacing dead or heavily damaged plants, and bringing new life to your garden. First, now is the time [...]

2023-05-24T22:51:47+00:00March 11th, 2017|Fruit, Hot Plants, Lawn Care, Planting|3 Comments

Four Early-Spring Garden Tasks

Just a month ago, I offered a word of caution in getting too excited about spring’s arrival—barely a month into winter, it hardly seemed appropriate to offer tips for spring work around the yard. As February is now more than half over, however, and with nary a sign of real winter weather in the forecast, you’re likely starting to look around the yard for things to do. Here’s my list [...]

2023-05-25T03:42:35+00:00February 19th, 2015|Edibles, Fruit, Lawn Care, Planting, Roses|0 Comments

Start the Spring Checklist!

I like to consider myself an optimist. To me, the glass is half full, and a typical gray day in Washington is partly sunny, not mostly cloudy. The warm weather this winter, however, leaves me cautious. While I’d like to believe that spring is here to stay, history has proven otherwise. So, as a gardener, what can you start working on outside that will satiate your desire to work in [...]

2021-07-30T21:20:38+00:00March 13th, 2010|Lawn Care|0 Comments
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