Petunia Feed

For the Well-Being of Garden & Soul

With the screams of kids enjoying carnival rides and the wafting smells of fried foods, the telltale signs of the Northwest Washington Fair can mean only one thing: early autumn is just around the corner. However, if this year’s weather proves anything like last year—and frankly, many years—we still have nearly two months of summerlike weather ahead of us, so now is no time to give up on the garden. [...]

Jack’s Classic For Pansies

As anyone who follows us or shops at our nursery knows, we're sold on Jack's Classic water-soluble fertilizer for making your annuals and hanging baskets thrive. And a lot of our customers have taken our advice, with spectacular results. In fact, we've never yet met a customer who was disappointed in Jack's and switched back to what they used before. Now, here's a quick quiz: what's the best type [...]

2024-03-20T04:24:22+00:00August 23rd, 2015|Annuals, Fertilizer|0 Comments
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