
Making the Most of Spring Gardening

Rudyard Kipling once wrote, “Gardens are not made by singing ‘Oh, how beautiful,’ and sitting in the shade.” To be fair, this hobby we call gardening can be downright hard work sometimes, but what joy to see a garden flourish and know that you played some small part in refining its beauty. With spring officially here, it's time to enjoy working the soil once again. As you start gardening [...]

2020-03-25T04:10:11+00:00March 12th, 2020|Disease Control, Fertilizer, Lawn Care, Plant Care, Shrubs|0 Comments

Early Spring in the Garden

Although it’s the shortest month of the year, this February just as well could have been the longest, with seemingly endless wind, snow and bitter cold putting a hard stop to most outdoor activities. Now, with spring weather here, it’s time to get on with early spring tasks around the yard and enjoy some fresh air and the warmth of sunshine on your face. First, if you haven’t already, [...]

2024-12-13T04:21:41+00:00March 22nd, 2019|Edibles, Fertilizer, Fruit, Lawn Care, Plant Care|0 Comments

Prepare Your Garden for a Winter’s Rest

With the sun hanging low in the southern sky and frost beginning to appear more regularly on roofs and lawns, autumn in the Pacific Northwest is gradually eroding, soon to be replaced with winter. As your garden goes to sleep for winter and you prepare to store your tools for a season’s rest, here are a few final tasks to accomplish around the yard this month. First, it’s not too [...]

2018-11-15T05:13:59+00:00November 15th, 2018|Fall, Fertilizer, Lawn Care, Perennials, Plant Care, Roses, Winter|0 Comments

Enjoy Summer Gardening Success

With summer just around the corner, it’s prime season for working around the yard. June’s long days are ideal for tending to the yard and landscaping around the house. Whether you’re working to ensure a healthy lawn through summer or planting shrubs and trees around your home, here are a few tips to ensure success in your endeavors. First, June is the perfect time to feed your lawn before summer. [...]

2025-01-06T17:12:41+00:00June 14th, 2018|Fertilizer, Hot Plants, Lawn Care, Plant Care, Planting, Shrubs|0 Comments

4 Fall Tasks for a Healthy Lawn & Colorful Garden

A year ago, we ended a warm, dry summer with a splash of sorts—October’s arrival brought a drastic change in the weather that began one of the wettest winters on record in our area. This year, we’ve once again experienced a dry summer and pleasant early fall, and while rainy weather is arriving, it's now the perfect for getting some extra lawn and garden projects done. Here are a [...]

Tips for a Better Summer Garden

It’s June, and although the warm, dry weather feels more like late July, summer is only just begun. By now, your garden is likely planted, your flowers are growing and you’re beginning to see the fruits of your labors as plants do what they do best: look beautiful! With the new season upon us, here are a few tips to keeping your garden looking its best and a couple of [...]

2025-01-02T16:43:39+00:00June 24th, 2015|Annuals, Lawn Care, Plant Care, Roses, Summer Bloomers|0 Comments

It’s Time to Put Your Yard to Bed

Many years, autumn weather comes as a gradual cool-down to ease us into the rainy season. This year, however, proved quite different. September felt much warmer than normal and even early October was beautifully sunny and mild. Then came the cold rain—and wind. In the span of just a few days, we transitioned from late summer to what feels like early winter, and with the change comes the task of [...]

2024-12-13T04:39:15+00:00November 15th, 2012|Fall, Fertilizer, Lawn Care, Perennials, Pruning, Roses|0 Comments

Make the Most of Autumn Planting Season

It’s not a season many people automatically think of when it comes to gardening, but did you know that autumn is really a great time to plant? It’s true—and for a variety of reasons, it may well be the best time of year for you to get out in your yard. So how can you make the most of what the season has to offer and enjoy gardening success? [...]

2025-01-06T16:31:11+00:00September 19th, 2012|Fall, Fertilizer, Plant Care, Planting, Shrubs, Trees, Winter|0 Comments

Take Steps Now for a Great Spring

Like it or not, I think it’s safe to say our summer is over. If you haven’t yet started fall cleanup in your yard, you probably will soon—and in another month or so, the last of the yard work will be complete and you can put your garden tools to rest until spring. Before you call it quits, though, there are a few items I would encourage you to add [...]

2024-12-13T00:18:24+00:00October 12th, 2011|Bulbs, Fall, Lawn Care|0 Comments

Solving Common Garden Problems

I think it would be an understatement to say the weather this year has been strange. Of course, the cooler summer has been great for keeping lawns green. Unfortunately, it’s also given us our fair share of gardening problems to deal with. For starters, although you might have a nice green lawn, you may also be battling a fungus called “red thread.” Noted by pink-tinged brown patches in grass, [...]

2024-12-13T04:34:35+00:00August 17th, 2011|Disease Control, Fertilizer, Insect Control, Plant Care|0 Comments
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