
New Life & Color for Lawn and Garden

Charles Dickens once wrote of sunny March days as “summer in the light and winter in the shade.” With the promise of sunny, warmer weather arriving in the coming days, the chilly late winter we’ve been experiencing lately may begin to shift to real spring, when even the shade isn’t so wintry. As we gardeners excitedly get outside to feel the sun on our skin and work the soil in [...]

2024-12-06T15:04:14+00:00March 14th, 2024|Fertilizer, Hot Plants, Hydrangeas, Lawn Care, Plant Care|0 Comments

2024 Hydrangea Selection Now Available!

Hydrangeas are incredibly popular plants, and with good reason: they're easy to grow, are available in varieties well-suited for sun or shade, come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes, and offer colorful flowers throughout the summer months. At Vander Giessen's, we offer a wide variety of hydrangeas, and we've just gotten in our biggest selection ever--nearly three dozen unique varieties! While we have several hundred plants available, many [...]

2024-03-15T14:02:18+00:00March 11th, 2024|Hot Plants, Hydrangeas, Shade, Shrubs, Summer Bloomers|0 Comments

Second Spring in the Garden

If I had to pick a favorite season, my choice would have to be autumn. Cool, crisp mornings and warm sunny afternoons; occasional rains returning and bringing the earthy, welcome smell we call petrichor; and the opportunity to get out in the yard and reimagine gardens and containers for a new season—all these bring me almost as much excitement as the thrill of spring. With a new season upon us, [...]

Inching and Itching for Spring

It’s been said that March is “in like a lion, out like a lamb,” and thankfully--at least for a few days each week--the latter half of this month has proved the axiom somewhat true, with pleasant weather and sunny days. As we inch toward warmer spring gardening weather and with daylight hours rapidly lengthening, there are some key tasks to accomplish outdoors this in these first weeks of spring—all of [...]

2023-03-30T03:27:31+00:00March 10th, 2023|Fertilizer, Fruit, Lawn Care, Plant Care, Planting, Shrubs, Trees|0 Comments

Dealing with Curveballs in Gardening

I’m not the athletic sort, so forgive me for mixing metaphors when I say that we gardeners have to learn to roll with the punches when life throws us curveballs. Whatever word picture you prefer, the heat and sun we experienced late last month was a curveball we’ll talk about for a long time. As you clean up damaged plants and try to help your garden recover, here are some [...]

Hydrangeas Galore!

One of the most rewarding and easy-to-grow flowering plants in your yard, hydrangeas are incredibly popular for good reason! With a wide variety of shapes, sizes, sun or shade requirements, and colors, hydrangeas are a must-have for summer color in your garden. At Vander Giessen Nursery, we grow and sell a broad selection of hydrangeas, from dwarfs that top out at just 1-2 feet tall all the up to [...]

2019-09-26T05:15:14+00:00June 21st, 2019|Hot Plants, Hydrangeas, Shade, Shrubs, Summer Bloomers|0 Comments

Five Tips to Make the Most of Autumn in the Garden

After a hot, stressful summer for our yards and gardens here in the Pacific Northwest, autumn has graciously settled in, bringing cool mornings and colorful leaves. As you begin to wind down your gardening projects for the season, here are a few tips to make the most of autumn’s cooler weather. 1. Now is the time to divide and transplant many of your spring- and summer-blooming perennials. Perennials like hostas [...]

4 Fall Tasks for a Healthy Lawn & Colorful Garden

A year ago, we ended a warm, dry summer with a splash of sorts—October’s arrival brought a drastic change in the weather that began one of the wettest winters on record in our area. This year, we’ve once again experienced a dry summer and pleasant early fall, and while rainy weather is arriving, it's now the perfect for getting some extra lawn and garden projects done. Here are a [...]

Color, Texture & Flavor for the Garden

There’s something about this time of year that I find particularly invigorating. Maybe it’s the bright colors of spring-blooming shrubs and perennials, maybe it’s the longer, warmer days, or maybe it’s the smell of fresh-cut grass; whatever it is, you might feel it too. As you get inspired to plant something in your yard this spring, here are a few of my favorite plants for unique color, texture, and flavor. [...]

2016-11-10T22:47:46+00:00April 21st, 2016|Edibles, Fruit, Hot Plants, Perennials, Shade, Shrubs|0 Comments

Spring is Here–Enjoy It!

So, how about that winter? For the last two months, I’ve cautioned against getting too excited about the spring-like weather we’ve enjoyed for fear that a good dose of winter could still arrive. Although a slim chance of winter weather still exists, with March quickly passing it’s time to plow full speed ahead with spring and all it involves. Are you ready? Given the non-winter we had this year [...]

2025-01-06T16:45:30+00:00March 19th, 2015|Insect Control, Lawn Care, Plant Care, Shrubs, Trees|2 Comments
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